Saturday, October 6, 2018

I suggest getting familiar with the shortcuts and using them now especially since you


Value deliver works Value Deliver Works

If you choose to defer it then you must determine if it’s something that can be done whenever it’s possible (i.e. has a deadline far in the future) or if it is to be done at a later date which is fixed (i.e. credit card payment due on the last day of the month or quarterly report due on the last day of the month). If it only needs to be done whenever it’s possible to do so, move it to your Next Actions list. Otherwise put it into your calendar as a MUST to be accomplished on that specific date and/or time it must be done by.

When you have determined the right course of action for the task, all you have to do now is move it to the appropriate list in OneNote. To do this you can either right click on the page title on the right hand side of the page, click “Move or Copy” and a box will pop up with the different sections that you can move the page to. You will then have to find the section you want the page to go, highlight that section and then click move to put it in there. I suggest getting familiar with the shortcuts and using them now (especially since you’ll be using them a lot with this long “in” list”) so press Ctrl + Alt + M to bring up the “Move or Copy” box instead of manually clicking each note as you process them.

Review of value deliver, VALUE DELIVER JVZOO, Value Deliver Honest Review, Value deliver honest review