Friday, December 21, 2018


These basic elements or data objects include tables schemas views and more

SQL Command Types

Before you start programming in SQL, you need to understand its basic command categories in performing various functions – database creation, object manipulation, data population and update, data deletion, query submission, access control and database administration, among others. The following are the main categories:

  • Data Definition Language (DDL)

Data Definition Language (or simply DDL) enables you to create, change or restructure, and even destroy the basic elements that are contained in a relational database. DDL focuses only on the structure, not the data contained within the elements. These basic elements or data objects include tables, schemas, views and more. Having no independent physical existence, a view is regarded as a virtual table in which its definition only exists in the metadata. However, the view’s data comes from the table (or tables) where you will derive the view. Stated below are some of the most common DDL commands:

  • CREATE – This command statement is responsible for building the database structure. Its syntax is:



  • ALTER – This command statement is in charge of changing the database structure after it has been created. Its syntax is:



  • DROP – This command is the reverse of the CREATE statement, which destroys the database structure. Its syntax is:

Its understandable that most marketing has lost its effectiveness

We have started to tune things out

Don’t let a little bit of success derail you, either. Success can be just as dangerous as failure because it gives you a rosy glow that convinces you that you’re doing okay, and you can stop building for a bit, and then things change, and you wonder why. Truly successful people never stop working to build and expand, and you shouldn’t either. Be consistent in your efforts.

As you continue to grow your brand, reach out and network, see success and capitalize on it, you will eventually realize that your brand has started to build itself. At that point, all it needs is guidance from you to make it as impressive as it can be.

As you start to develop a memorable personal brand, more prospective customers will be paying attention to you and your business. You need to keep it up and capitalize on it. That leads us to the next chapter: Storytelling.

How to Win Over Prospective Customers by Telling Your Story

In today’s digital world, it is easy for all of us to become desensitized. We have started to tune things out. Jay Walker-Smith from Kantar Consulting says weve gone from being exposed to about 500 ads per day in the 1970s to as many as 5,000 ads per day today. It’s understandable that most marketing has lost its effectiveness. So, how do we get through all the noise?

Saturday, December 15, 2018


What this essentially means is more liquidity for your business

For traditional businesses, the need to have certain items in stock at all times can pose a problem for two distinct reasons. Firstly, holding inventory requires a certain amount of space. If you don’t own a warehouse or have enough storage space in your current home to account for this inventory, then you’re going to run into problems. Another reason why holding inventory can prove to be troublesome is because when you purchase physical inventory for your business, you’re essentially turning your money into a tangible product. What if your inventory never sells? Then you’re going to be stuck with too many products of a similar type and won’t be able to do anything with them. For this reason, most businesses would rather hold liquid wealth, rather than wealth in the form of a good that they’ve purchased ahead of time.

Dropshipping solves both of these problems. As you’re going to find as you read this book, dropshipping does not require that you have a warehouse full of goods to ship to your customers, or even that you make the products that you ship yourself. Instead, dropshipping enables you to simply purchase goods from other vendors that you will then ship to your customers, or use warehouses that already exist for your storing needs. In this way, you’re able to reap the benefits that exist when you ship products to your customers, without having to worry about the inventory problems that were just discussed in the previous paragraph. With services like AliExpress (which we’ll talk about more in this book), you’re able to avoid problems associated with inventory. What this essentially means is more liquidity for your business.

One of the grave consequences is the unconventional saving techniques adopted by such individuals

Many use alternatives to banks such as credit associations or savings clubs

While it is easier to open a bank account in developed countries, a potential client still has to meet some basic requirements, some of which include anti-money laundering and Know Your Customer regulations, as well as anti-terrorism financing rules. They are simply not interested in the client; they are interested in their credentials.

According to the World Bank, “Three quarters of the world’s poor don’t have a bank account, not only because of poverty, but the cost, travel distance, and amount of paper work involved in opening an account.” Imagine the huge implications of these unnecessary restrictions. One of the grave consequences is the unconventional saving techniques adopted by such individuals. Someone without a bank account in the developing countries may resort to some risky measures that may have dire consequences, such as using alternatives like piggy banks or keeping money under the mattress. Such practices make it difficult, if not impossible, for an individual to build up reserves, and as such they also cannot have access to insurance, credit, or other financial services.

All this clearly shows that the financial services sector is missing out on a good opportunity to provide much-needed, affordable, and safe financial services to billions of the unbanked. Many use alternatives to banks, such as credit associations or savings clubs. Each week, each member of such associations contributes according to their financial limits a stipulated amount of money that is then handed over to a predetermined member to take care of his or her financial needs.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Those superposition elements to all intents and purposes disappear

In other words there is no new sudden mystical collapse process

There will be components of the particle state vector which do not agree with the state vector of the screen. Those components disperse into the wider, noisy environment, much like the splash from a stone thrown into a rough, turbulent ocean. The Schrödinger equation continues to apply to all those components, controlling their evolution in time. In other words, there is no new sudden mystical "collapse" process. However, once those components have dispersed into the "ocean", it becomes effectively impossible to regenerate the original superposition state (this explains why the apparent "collapse of the wavefunction" is an irreversible process). Those superposition elements — to all intents and purposes — disappear. The particle is then detected in only one position: on the screen.

In his book, The Fabric of the Cosmos, Brian Greene describes the process: "Decoherence forces much of the weirdness of quantum physics to leak from large objects since, bit by bit, the quantum weirdness is carried away by the innumerable impinging particles from the environment."

So it is almost impossible to completely isolate an object from the rest of the world. But if we want to maintain a superposition state inside our quantum computer, we need to find some way of achieving that isolation, and thereby preventing that onset of decoherence. Let us now examine how we can achieve that isolation.

that special link really is special

Chapter 8: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you recommend something and a reader clicks on a special link you provide that takes them to where they can buy the product. When they buy the product using your link, you get a commission. That special link really is special. You get it when you sign up for an affiliate program, and the link is coded with special numbers and characters that are unique to your account. Buying a product through that link puts money in your wallet.

But first, let’s get you familiar with affiliate marketing. The first thing you will want to do is find companies that offer products that relate to your niche. There is almost always some type of affiliate marketing you can do with each niche. If you’re stumped, Google it. Take a look at other blogs in your niche and see what their affiliate links are (I know, it all comes back to research, doesn’t it?). You will be able to tell what posts have affiliate links because the blogger will disclose it first!

There are so many companies that offer affiliate marketing, you just have to find them. First, start with sites you like to use. You can scroll to the bottom of the page and look for a link that says something along the lines of “affiliates” or “work with us”. You’ll find this link by the “contact” and “FAQ”. If you don’t see that link, don’t be discouraged. Simply contact the company and ask if they offer some kind of affiliate marketing.