Thursday, January 24, 2019

see what planes are overheadwondering where that distant plane is heading

Translate text

Siri is able to translate a phrase and speak it back to you in six languages: Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Italian and Spanish. At the time of publication it only works when Siri is set to US English. To translate text simply say out loud "Hey Siri, how do I say it’s nice to meet you in French?" Siri will return the answer in both written and text format.

See what planes are overhead

Wondering where that distant plane is heading? To find out, activate Siri then say “what flights are above me?” or “planes overhead” and Siri will display a chart featuring the plane’s flight airline, number, altitude and angle. Note that this feature is currently limited to the US, and it might take time to load depending on your signal strength.

Things to ask Siri:

There are countless questions you can ask Siri, but here are just a few examples of the wide-ranging topics and conversations you can have:

Video call via FaceTime:

“FaceTime Tom”

Play a music track:

“Play something by Monsters and Men”

Send a Message:

“Tell Dave I’ll be right there.”


“Send message to Dave”


“Set up a meeting with Sarah at 9.”

Create a Reminder:

“Remind me to call Michael at 7.”


“How do I get to Tom’s?”