Thursday, January 24, 2019

Of course there are all kinds of other headaches you can run into and

Of Course There Are All Kinds Of Other Headaches You Can Run Into And

These issues cover the majority of the main things we see go wrong in QuickBooks. Of course, there are all kinds of other headaches you can run into and while these minor problems are not covered here, if you do all of the above correctly, anything else that comes up should be a walk in the park.

What This Book is Not

As you may have already realized, from looking at the types of problems we aim to identify and resolve in the table, we are dealing with fundamental accounting mistakes, not one off glitches or minor unique problems.

This is not a guide on how to find the missing seventeen cents on your reconciliation or create a back dated credit memo or remove a default account in QuickBooks online. Those kinds of problems are real, but not the subject of this book and not the“big picture” issues that truly mess up your bookkeeping.

They are easy to get caught up in because that is the problem you are trying to solve in the moment, but they are only really helpful to solve if you have already gotten everything else in order. If your account balances are off by thousands of dollars then your credit memo problem may not be as important an issue as you thought!